Friday, December 30, 2011

On the cusp of yet another year. According to the Mayans, the last year...

Good evening.

Here we are, at the close of 2011.  Big changes in my life this year, to be sure.  I don't need to recap them in this post; if you want to know what happened to me, read the posts prior to this one.  They're fun and enlightening.  Some of you might even laugh.  Or cry.  It all depends really on how emotional you get.  And your meds.

I write this post @ just after 6PM local time here on the North Coast.  I have no weekend plans, save for World of Warcraft.  I won't be going to any New Years' bashes.  Not my thing.  No, I'll just sit in the house with the dogs and stare at pixels, hoping, praying that the new year is better than the last.

Which brings me to this:  I really, really hope that 2012 goes better.  The Mayans didn't seem to think it would.  Mark December 21 on your calendars for next year, folks, and wait and see.  I imagine there will be widespread crazy in the days leading up to the Winter Solstice.  I remember New Years' Eve 1999.  People were walking around as if in a daze...the tension in the general public was palpable.  Then nothing happened.  Instead of the world going dark, we got to watch Alan Alda wax nostalgic in an interview with Peter Jennings.  Yes, Alan Alda.  I know, right?  It isn't every day that you get to hear an actor give us his views.  Oh, wait...

I've decided I'm going to be prepared, whatever that means.  For what, I really don't know.  If December 22 comes and the world is still turning, then we can all laugh at how paranoid we got.  If December 22 comes and the whole thing's in the toilet, well...

I'll let somebody else figure that one out.

1 comment:

  1. I was just telling someone on New Years Eve that the Giant Eagle (what I affectionately call "The Regal Beagle") reminded me of how it was right before Y2K. Remember that? We were stunned how kuh-razay people were, and how all the water and canned goods aisles were practically barren. People had that same crazed, wild-eyed look on NYE!
