Thursday, March 24, 2011

So this is what rested feels like...

Man, do I feel great today...

I got one more hour of sleep last night than I normally get, and I feel fantastic.  Refreshed almost.  Not that I still wouldn't mind hibernating for a month or so and just let the world pass by, but when you get some decent sleep, your whole outlook changes, at least a little bit for a little while.

My WoW friends have been very supportive during this time, as has my family.  I talk via phone with my family daily, and with my WoW friends via Ventrilo just as much.

Looking at that last mini-paragraph, I really think I need to reclassify my WoW friends.  As I have very, very few friends to begin with, and none within an actual visitable radius, I'm just going to call them my friends.  How or where I interact with them is of no consequence.

Anyway, my FRIENDS have been very supportive.  They know what I'm going through, and understand when I just don't have the energy to start a raid at 9PM, or just can't start that heroic instance run at 10:15.  Last night I very closely resembled the Night of the Living Dead...kind of shuffling through the house in a fog, running into walls, that sort of thing.  The only thing lacking was the whole smell of the living dead thing.  Which is good.

So I bowed out early, and actually got into bed at around 10:30.  Slept like the dead.  Not the living dead, just the dead.  The pack woke me up twice, and I went right back out.  I woke up, did the routine, and came to work.  Like I said I feel fantastic!

Oh, and I've come to a decision.  I will be moving back to Michigan once everything's all said and done.  I've done some salary comparisons (not average salary based on title, but actually looking up jobs and seeing what they're paying) for five different cities.  My hometown of Flint, Michigan is actually paying a little better than cities such as Detroit, Cleveland, Ann Arbor, and Raleigh, NC.  And that's likely due to the fact that so many people have left the area to pursue careers elsewhere that there's simply not enough people there to do the work that needs to be done.

So with that decision behind me, I now just need to slog through what I need to do next.  Which is purge the crap that I'm not keeping, get through the bankruptcy (hearing is Monday, hopefully we can one-and-done it), finalize the divorce, and place 7 dogs into new homes.  Oh, and secure a job in Michigan as well as a place to live.  I really don't want to move without having work unless I have absolutely no other choice.

So, despite our crappy Cleveland-area weather, I'm having a pretty good day.

Hope you do as well...

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