Saturday, March 12, 2011

First Full Weekend...

Well, this is the first full weekend that I've been alone in nine years.

Nine years.  That's a long time.  That's 3,285 days.  468 weeks.  Math is fun!

Anyway, yeah, my first full weekend.  I would be remiss if I didn't tell you that I had some trepidation about it for a while yesterday.  After all, this is fairly uncharted territory here, or at the very least wildly overgrown after nearly a decade without traffic.  I know that I'll end up playing WoW for most of it, and I'm fine with that ;)

I started it off by sleeping in, all the way to 6AM!  WOOT!  I've gotten the dogs out, fed, and back in, and am going to take a shower and head out to run my weekend errands shortly.  It's a damned good thing that the grocery store is open 24 hours.

Oh, and a bit of good news...the friend request I sent last night was accepted.  I have now officially reconnected with a dear friend from my past, and this is a very good thing.  She is special, but not in a hockey-gear way, and has always been a great friend.  The only problem with having a really good friend of the opposite sex is when you enter into new relationships with people is they tend to not want you to continue talking with attractive members of the opposite sex from your past for very long, and I can actually see the point to that.  It's a respect thing, for lack of a better explanation.

Hypothetical:  You meet this new girl (or guy, if the reader is female).  This new girl (or guy) was friends with somebody who was very attractive.  Regardless of the history between you and the old friend (in my case the only history was a strong friendship; I managed to have a friend who was an attractive female that I didn't screw things up with by trying to sleep with her.  Go figure.), there is going to be some friction there between you and your new special snowflake, especially if you and your old friend talk a lot, exchange e-mails, whatever.

Anyway, I've reconnected with this great old friend, who is now married and has two beautiful children.  Which is awesome :)

And I sincerely mean that.  Just because I suck at being a husband doesn't mean every marriage is doomed.  Marriage is a beautiful institution and is completely fantastic as long as I'm not part of it LOL.

Well, I'm off to take care of things.  Have a great weekend!

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