Monday, March 14, 2011

Back to work...

Well, lo and behold I made it through the weekend without driving too many relatives crazy.  Or at least they were decent enough to be quiet about it if I did :)

Sunday was truly a day of rest for me, which was much welcomed, as I had gotten everything done on Saturday that I needed to get done.  If "me time" had been an issue before, it certainly isn't now.  All I have is "me time".  And to be honest, that isn't such a bad thing.

So I made the most of my "me time" as I possibly could have.  I accepted a small number of friend requests on my Facebook page...thanks to all of you for that!  I was encouraged by one of them to keep writing.  My readers (all two of you lol) can thank him for that...seriously though, I am enjoying this.  Even if I don't get the immediacy of a verbal response, this is giving me an outlet to throw it all out there; to get it out of me.  And that's the cathartic part, at least for me.  I also got some good quality time with my WoW friends, which without them would have made this whole transition exceptionally difficult...they've been there for me every step of the way, and for that I am eternally grateful.

Well, I suppose that's it for now.  Tune in next time when I talk about things that may or may not matter to anyone but me.  Or, there may be new developments.  With this whole "life" thing, you really never know...

Thanks for reading...

1 comment:

  1. So I finally got a chance to sit down and read through all of these today and I am firmly in the camp of you continuing with the blogging. Of course you know how us soft-science psychology types are all in favor of getting in touch with your feelings and writing in journals and whatnot, and this is pretty much a journal, but with more space under your mattress for porn. Wait a minute, you live alone-- your porn is probably on the coffee table. No judgement, just sayin'. In all seriousness, you have always written well and have a delightfully witty way of expressing yourself and a dark sense of humor that I have always appreciated (and share, obviously). Becky
