Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Been a while...

I know it has been more than a while since my last life-update.  The truth is when you have no life, what seriously is there to update?  Oh, I played WoW.  Again.  And again.  See the picture I'm painting here?

So I'm going to rant.  About nothing particularly personal.

#1 Rant:  The Government.

Seriously?  I mean, truly, seriously?  You clowns, left and right, are destroying what little faith the "little guy" has left in this country.  I mean, I know you don't care.  You don't, and you can admit it.  It's okay.  The only thing you clowns care about is getting re-elected.  So you can continue your years-long theft-in-office retirement plans.  As for your may have heard of them...they're known as "the People."

You remember where those guys were first mentioned, right?  As in "We, the People..."

Thought so.

Do us all a favor.  Resign.  Walk away.  Get some people in there who actually give a shit about the country as a whole, and not just the lobbyists that buy you clowns off.  I don't care how or why you go away, just go away.

#2 Rant:  The Economy

This one kinda goes along with the politicians.  Guess what America...we still haven't climbed out of the first recession yet.  I don't give a flying wombat shit what the government or the financial "experts" say, walk up to any random person on the street and ask, and I assure you 7 of 10 (unscientific numbers being pulled from the air, but I'll bet I'm pretty much right on the money here) people are in no better shape than they were 4 years ago, and are likely worse off.

Government needs to keep out of the economy, save for CREATING AN ECONOMIC CLIMATE THAT WILL ALLOW THE PRIVATE SECTOR TO CREATE JOBS.  The government doesn't create jobs.  Hell, our government can't get out of it's own way on the way to the toilet let alone create anything worthwhile.  So yeah, let the government create jobs.  Laughable.  (Agreed, this second part should go in the government rant)

#3 Rant:  News Media/Media in General

I normally don't use language this harsh in this blog, but I'd like to tell the news media, the talking heads, Hollywood stars, Michael Moore, Rush Limbaugh, (can't bash a lib without a con, trying to be fair here) to FOR CHRIST'S SAKE, SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY!!!!  How about this, you assclowns in the news media:  REPORT THE FACTS WITHOUT YOUR LIBERAL/CONSERVATIVE BIAS.  Most people can form an opinion of something given enough information about it.  FUCKING LET US DO THAT.  And I really don't want or need entertainment industry types chiming in on their viewpoints.  Just because you have a famous name and/or face doesn't mean we want to hear or see you chime in regarding how you feel about what political movement.  Yes, Morgan Freeman, I mean you in this instance.

CNN needs to change names, to CON, and no, I'm not saying they're a conservative network.  Just replace the word News with Opinion, largely due to your left-leaning needle.  Christ, your "reporting" leans like a gas gauge on E.

As a matter of fact, I'd like to see all "news" shows/networks drop the word "news" from their names.  They are feeding opinions in the form of news.  Too much bias.

/end Rant.

Well, that's pretty much all I have for today.  I know it is a huge departure from the usual very personal stuff that I write about, but damn, this is somewhat personal, and should be for all of us. 

This is the future of our nation being laid out before our eyes.  The nation of our children's children.  And not only is it frightening, but it is fucking sad as well.

Good night, and good luck!

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