Sunday, August 14, 2011

New stuff...

Hello world!

Well, I had a plan.  The plan was to drive the car I had for another year, milk the no-house-payment house for as long as I could and save some money.

The car, however, had other plans.  It died.  2 Fridays ago.

So imagine how much fun I had going to a dealership, fresh off a bankruptcy, three DAYS on the new job (which I love, btw), and saying "yeah, I'm a great credit risk!"

I did get a new car, and the one that I wanted no less.  Which makes me happy :)
My credit score was much better than I expected it to be, as well...which is nice.  Now all I have to do is stay happy with the new job and things might just start to look up a bit more.

As for the personal life, you know, romantic entanglements, etc...well, I still don't have any.  Not that I'm in a huge rush to get there or anything, but it is nice to think about it.  Who knows, eventually I might actually NOT play WoW on a Saturday night... 

ROFL, yeah, right.

Anyway, I've started a personal video journal.  I won't be posting it here (hell, I rarely write anything here), and am using it to see where I am in my "rebirth."

Based on the ramblings from my first videologue, I'd say I went back up the birth canal.

Meh, have a good week folks.

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