Thursday, July 21, 2011

Noteworthy events...

It was 98 degrees today, and my car doesn't have air conditioning.  That sucks.

I did get a new job, but it isn't in Michigan, so I will be staying in Cleveland for the foreseeable future.  As I waited for word on around 100 resumes, I sent 6 out to companies in the Cleveland area.  4 phone interviews, 3 in person interviews requested.  I took a good job doing exactly what I want to be doing at this point in my life.   I'm quitting my current job tomorrow and taking a nice, relaxing 10-day vacation, of sorts.  So that's good :)

I also finished my dissolution today, and I'm pretty sad about it.  I will say that my ex and I parted well, and are still great friends; I hope to remain so, and will work towards that end.